GearPeak Outdoors - Premium Outdoor Gear, Camping & Travel Accessories
GearPeak Outdoors - Premium Outdoor Gear, Camping & Travel Accessories GearPeak Outdoors - Premium Outdoor Gear, Camping & Travel Accessories
Home Outdoor Gear Hiking Poles
Product Details

The LCS Safety Lining Poles are the professional choice for use in retriever training drills. In retriever training, these poles are important for assisting you and your dog in marking long distance blind retrieves, as well as establishing boundaries on lining drills. The white poles allow the dog to see the marked dummy to establish confidence in holding a line or they can also be used to mark boundaries on obstacles when teaching a dog to hold a line. The orange poles cannot be seen by the dog and give you a reminder as to where the blind retrieve bumper is located in advanced drills. The poles can also be used as obstacles when teaching the dog to heel on the same side of the object as the handler. The pointed metal ends unscrew and are then stored inside the pole for safe transport. The poles are 3 ft. tall with a 1 in. diameter and are constructed from heavy duty PVC. Available in Orange or White, please specify when ordering.

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LCS Safety Lining Poles

  • White
  • Orange

$ 15.95

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